Love ... real love ... is a little bit more than just words … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

Truth be told ... we believe too much in fairytales.

In fact ... we believe so, so much ... that we end up acting like ... cartoon characters.

And ... it is ok.

The real question is ... until when?!

Unfortunately ... the beauty of love stories introduces us ... all the time into ... fairytales.

It happened to me too.

And ... who is honest enough is actually admitting it ... even if never replies on the subject.

The funny thing is that the Universe is always laughing of us ... behind our back.

On ... and on ... and on.

... sending us in stories which looks like ... about love ... but ...

And ... yes ... we illusory believe that love stories ... are about ... love.

But ... near the right partner ... we just have to wake up and become realistic.

... more pragmatic.



Realise ... love stories ... are a little bit more .... than just about love.

Yes ...

I laugh when i see ladies ... talking to their partners about ... proving their love.

... with money ... of course.

I laugh ... because once entered into the story ... man believes there is no price to pay ... for everything is going on.

Into the end it all becomes an inner battle between the beauty of a relationship .... and the fact that simple words as "I love you!" .... are maybe useless.

Yes ... love has a price.

Yes ... love stories ... need money.

And ... time ... and a lot of energy invested into that.

I hate ... hearing such things.

I hate seeing this pragmatical women ... but unfortunately they are right.

... all the time.

So .... most certainly men are losing too much time ... believing that the illusory fairy tales .... are real.

Until ... is too late.

Having enough ... the woman just leaves.

... maybe forever.

Cause .... love is not only about ... beautiful words.

No ....

It's a little bit more ... than that.

.... all having a price ... which many times we simple ... refuse to pay.


Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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